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Current Issue July, 2024
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Role of a Regulator in Developing Maqasid al Shariah Based Model of Islamic Banks: A Qualitative Analysis

The role of regulator of Islamic banks is very important in developing Maqasid al Shariah based model of Islamic banks. The objective of this study is to identify the role of regulator in the development of the Islamic banking model in the light of Maqasid al Shariah. To achieve this objective, this study employs a qualitative, exploratory research methodology in which face-to-face semi-structured interviews with Shariah Supervisory Board (SBB) members of Islamic banks, Shariah scholars, academicians, and policymakers are conducted by using a non-probability purposive sampling technique. The grounded theory approach is used in this research and data is analyzed by using NVIVO software. The results of this study indicate that regulator must eliminate riba from the banking system, abolish the dual banking system, devise and strategic plan, develop necessary infrastructure, money market instruments, and interbank markets for Islamic banks, provide discount windows, liquidity management frameworks, and tax reliefs for Islamic banks, assign periodic targets to banks to convert conventional banks into Islamic banks and ask Islamic banks to develop their own benchmark rate like Islamic Banking Offer Rate (IBOR). The regulator should avoid capitalistic paradigm and should give clear instructions to abolish contracts using hiyals such as running Musharakah etc. to ensure distributive justice and curb the concentration of wealth. Mandatory targets to provide Qarz e Hasan and finance agriculture, SME, housing, and the real sector should be given by the regulator. Musharakah or Mudarabah certificates and Sukuk can be issued to people who make investments in various projects where actual profits is distributed to the investors without any exploitation to achieve Maqasid al Shariah. The regulator should develop and strong Islamic research wing having strong Central Shariah Board having members with various backgrounds and various schools of thought to discuss matters from various angles, make recommendations and ensure products developed and operations carried out in Islamic banks are in accordance with Shariah principles and help in achieving Maqasid al Shariah.
Keywords: Maqasid al-Shariah, Regulator, Islamic Banking Model, Socio-economic Welfare, Poverty Alleviation.

Interoception and Intuition: Systematic Review of the Role of Heartbeat and Skin Sensations in Decision-Making

The objective of this desk study is to explore the connection of interoception and intuition, with a special focus on sensations associated with the skin and heart. Previous interdisciplinary research by Launer & Svenson (2022; EFRE-research project RHIA) has underscored the importance of bodily sensations, particularly affective or emotional intuition, as a key factor in intuitive decision-making. This non-systematic literature review aims to investigate how sensations related to heartbeat and skin influence intuitive decision-making. Additionally, we aim to identify and adapt measurement tools, such as questionnaires, to assess interoception in a manner that aligns with participants' preferences and the needs of intuition research. We utilized the Body Perception Questionnaire Autonomic (BPQ-20 ANS) by Cabrera et al. (2018) and the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA) by Mehling et al. (2012) as item inventories. Research findings by Launer & Cetin (2023) highlight the relationship between interoception and intuition, providing a new and practical item pool for intuition research. These findings necessitate for extensive research to better comprehend the interplay between interoception and decision-making. The results of this study contribute to the development of a new comprehensive intuition model in the workplace through a global, interdisciplinary study.
Keywords: Interoception, Intuition, Decision-Making, Heartbeat, Skin Feeling.

Reagocatalysis: In Silico Mechanistic Study to Investigate that it is a Boon or a Bane

The word “Reagocatalysis” was derived (not from the Latin “Reago” which means reaction) after combining the two words i.e. reagent and catalysis. It involved a reagent now called a reagocatalyst that because of its catalyzing moiety could catalyze another identical reagocatalyst or a different molecule as well as it reacted further owing to the presence of the reacting moiety. It was divided into two categories: (a) homoreagocatalysis (b) heteroreagocatalysis. In homoreagocatalysis, one homoreagocatalyst catalyzed another molecule of the homoreagocatalyst and resulting catalyzed intermediate molecule could react further in variety of ways and whereas in heteroreagocatalysis, the heteroreagocatalyst first catalyzed another different molecule to give catalyzed intermediate molecule which then reacted with another heteroreagocatalyst molecule to give an identical product as given by an uncatalyzed reaction.
Keywords: Catalysis, Reagocatalysis, Homoreagocatalysis, Heteroreagocatalysis.
SYED ZAIGHUM ABBAS 27-38 Details (31)

Trust and the Pakistani Sharing Economy: Factors Influencing Initial Trust Intentions

The rapid growth of Digital Sharing Economy Platforms (DSEPs) has revolutionized consumption patterns globally, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. Despite the potential of DSEPs to address societal needs and contribute to sustainable development, creating initial trust intentions among users remains a crucial challenge, especially in countries with limited access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) like Pakistan. This study aims to explore the factors that drive initial trust intentions towards DSEPs in Pakistan, considering its unique cultural, economic, and technological context. By conducting a comprehensive literature review, we identify user experience, propensity to trust, and word of mouth as potential factors influencing initial trust intentions in developed countries with equal access to resources. However, there is a lack of significant evidence on how initial trust intentions towards DSEP formed in the least developed countries like Pakistan. Through this research, we contribute to the existing knowledge on trust formation in the digital sharing economy by investigating the specific drivers of initial trust intentions in Pakistan, a country with significant potential but limited ICT infrastructure. Data was collected from 401 DSEP users through the snowball sampling technique. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights for platform developers, policymakers, and researchers, enabling them to implement strategies that foster trust and accelerate the growth of the sharing economy in the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
Keywords: Digital Sharing Economy Platforms (DSEPs), Initial Trust Intentions, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Sustainable Development.

Development of Pipeline Leakage Detection and Localization System Using IOT

Various health concerns, explosions, injuries, and financial setbacks result from leaks occurring in transmission and distribution pipelines due to factors such as corrosion, material aging, climate-related effects, deliberate sabotage, and the transportation of petroleum products like crude oil, natural gas, and LNG. The unavailability of timely detection of the leakage and point of leak causes huge financial losses as we are already short of natural resources. Most of the equipment is installed at the inlet and outlet of the pipeline making it difficult to detect leakage and point of leak in the mid-span. To address this problem, a hybrid method consisting of volume-mass balance and Real-time Transient Modeling (RTTM) is used to develop an automated system that detects leakage in the pipeline, locate the point of leak, estimate the leak volume and to send an alert message. RTTM technique presents leak as a function of pressure and density of the working fluid. Real-time data is obtained from the pipeline using HK1100C and DS18B20 sensor by acquiring pressure and temperature of the working fluid respectively. Domestic gas meters are used to compute upstream and downstream flow rate, while NODMCU esp. 8266 is used as a microcontroller to transfer data from the pipeline to the IOT server Thing Speak with the aid of a built-in Wi-Fi module. The transient model is developed in LabVIEW where the analysis has been performed on pressure and flow variation inside the pipeline to detect the leak, calculate the leak location and estimate the leak volume.
Keywords: Leak Detection and Localization, Real Time Transient Modeling, Internet of Things, Labview, Volume-Mass Balance Method.

The Application of Stylistic Devices on the Selected Poem Life is Fine by Langston Hughes

This study deals with the phonological stylistic devices and their impact on the selected poem "Life is Fine" by Langston Hughes. Poetry can be mentioned as the leading genre in all the literary genres. Most of the times poetry is understood as an art of rhythm. This rhythm is made by the use of a specific language suggested by the situation and capacity of the poet according to the understanding of language, situation, skill and passions. In the language of poetry sounds play a vital role. These sounds are classified and discussed in the area of literary stylistics by the approach of sound devices. The model of Stylistic Analysis by Leech and Short is selected for the study which deals with the levels of Phonological, Grammatical and Figure of Speech. In this study only Phonological Stylistics Analysis is applied with different categories of Rhyming, Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance, Voice and Voiceless sounds, Long, Short Vowels and Diphthongs and the Analysis of the Most Repeated Sounds is made. In the last an impact of these sounds on the poem is also analyzed. A list of results is mentioned in the end.
Keywords: Poem, Stylistic, Review, Application, Life.

Stylistic Analysis of Short Story The Man of the Crowd by Edgar Allan Poe

This study investigates Edgar Allen Poe‟s „The Man of the Crowd” from a stylistic point of view and finds out the stylistic and figurative devices, syntactic structure, language and phonological aspects that are used in the story. The story is analyzed stylistically in terms of figure of speech, figure of contrast, figure of association and stylistic categories like feature of repetition, parallelism, alliteration, consonance, assonance and rhyme are focused on. The methodology used in this study is Stylistic Analysis. The model which is taken for this study is “Leech and Short‟s Model” (1981). So in this study the checklist which was proposed by Leech and Short has been taken for the exploration of the text „The Man of the Crowd”. The study investigates that Poe‟s work carries extensively used stylistic devices to prove curiosity, loneliness and class difference as themes of the short story. The purpose of this analysis is to highlight the stylistics‟ qualities of the writer adopted in this short story. The analysis helps us out to judge underlying meanings of the sentences individually as well as collectively. This analysis digs out the mood of the characters and writer foregrounded in the text. The characters in the story belong to the beginning of the modern era of literature. Their behaviors, use of language and commentary are a stylistic feature. These features are highlighted in the story which is helpful for the understanding of the short story narrative styles. Figures of Speech used in the story are analyzed in a way to comprehend the moods, meanings and behavior of the characters and the story. The study is helpful in future to understand writer‟s approach towards language and style writing such kind of stories.
Keywords: Stylistics, Analysis, Short Story, Man of the Crowd, Levels of Analysis, Meaning.
Factors Affecting Utilization of Postnatal Care Among Reproductive Age Group Women in Multan, Pakistan: A Quantitative Approach
At present time, high rates of maternal mortality and neonatal deaths have grasped the attention worldwide in public health relevance. This study was carried out in Multan, Pakistan to explore factors affecting postnatal care utilization among reproductive age group of women. The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting utilization of postnatal care among reproductive age group of woman in Multan, Pakistan. A structured questionnaire having four sections was used covering information about socio-demographics, knowledge, socio-economic and service utilization barriers. 224 respondents were surveyed who have given at least one birth in last two years. Data analyze done by using SPSS program. Results showed that Post natal care utilization in study area was 17% and 83% population did not utilize Post natal care. Respondent’s education, occupation, knowledge, place of delivery and previous use of ANC had showed significant association with Post natal care utilization. Major hindrance factor identified was lack of awareness in respondents about Post natal care and who were aware they just know about immunization of babies. Other identified barriers were expensive Post natal care services, beliefs, no money for transport, don’t think Post natal care necessary, had no one to live with children. Government should make efforts to increase accessibility of health services and increase awareness programs as well. Efforts are needed to motivate the people about importance of health services utilization as any program can never be effective until or unless it’s enriched by community participation.
Keywords: Post Natal Care, Ante Natal Care, Maternal Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Multiple Indicator Survey.

Parametric Study of UAV Exhaust System by CFD Analysis

Back pressure dramatically drops with altitude, which substantially affects the 2-stroke Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) engine's performance. This research involves looking into potential geometry changes that could lead to optimal back pressure values for a two-stroke UAV engine operating at a height of 13,000 feet. The 10,000 feet original geometry is modified in a few different places. The original purpose of the exhaust system was to gather combustion chamber exhaust gases and reject them to the atmosphere while reducing noise. Since four-stroke engines have a separate exhaust stroke, backpressure should be kept to a minimum for optimal engine performance. The back pressure value is calculated using the CFD approach at sea level. CFD analysis is done using ANSYS 2024R1's Fluent module. The k-ε model was selected for the solution setup. The operating pressure was selected at the outlet and velocity was selected at the inlet in boundary conditions. To investigate the trend of varying geometries, simulations are run several times for each altered geometry. It is found that, by increasing the Baffle plate hole diameter the backpressure is reduced and vice versa. By increasing the specific portion of the header pipe (SPHP) length the backpressure is decreased while by decreasing the SPHP length the backpressure is increased. Similarly, with the increase of the diameter of SPHP, the backpressure is enhanced. Moreover, with the decrease of the diameter of SPHP the back pressure is reduced and by increasing the number of holes in baffle plates the back pressure decreases and vice versa.

Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Exhaust System, Header Pipe Length, Header Pipe Diameter, Specific Header Pipe, Baffle Plates.


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